Engineer · Developer · Maker

San Francisco, CA

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University of California, Davis

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Relevant Coursework:

Statics · Dynamics · Engineering Graphics in Design · Circuits I · Properties of Materials · Manufacturing Processes · Engineering Problem Solving (MatLab) · Software Development and Object Oriented Programming · Vector Caculus · Mechatronics · Programming Languages · Engineering Application of Dynamics · Introduction to Artificial Intelligence · Computer Organization and Machine-Dependent Programming (Assembly) · Data Structures and Programming · Thermo-Fluid Dynamics · Heat Transfer · Spatial Kinematics and Robotics · Embedded Systems · Operating Systems



Operating Systems

Mac OS X · Windows · Linux

Programming Languages

Python · Swift · C · Matlab · Java · Javascript · MatLab · Objective-C · C++ · Arduino · Processing · HTML · CSS · Bash

Frameworks and Libraries

Jquery · Bootstrap · jsPDF · Django · iOS SDK · CoreData


SPI · I2C · Modbus · MQTT · TI CC3200 · Raspberry Pi · Cellular Modems (2G/3G/4G/LTE)

Software & Utilities

UNIX · vim · Eclipse · Solidworks · Adobe Photoshop (Certified Associate) · Adobe Illustrator · Adobe Premiere Pro · Microsoft Office


Manual Tools

Mill · Lathe · Drill Press

Machines CNC

ShopBot Desktop CNC · Mori Seiki NV Series

Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)

Type A Machines Series 1 · Makerbot Thing-o-matic · Makerbot Replicator · CubeX Trio


Computer Science
Web Design
3D Printing

Equipment Engineering, Defect and Metrology (Bloom Energy, Sunnyvale) July 2019 - Current

Sr. Machine Integration and Metrology Engineer

· Helps manages daily up keep of automation inspection systems on Bloom Energy's state of the art Fuel Cell Manufacturing Lines.

· Designed various modifications for existing automation equipment.

· Provides multi-departmental support frequently interfacing with Production, Process Engineeing, and Maintenance

· Design, Built, Tested, and Deployed Bloom's Fully Automated Value Recovery Tools. In charge of Mechanical Design, Electrical Design, and PLC Progamming

· Assists maintenance with staff with troubleshooting value recovery tools as needed.

Caban Systems (Burlingame, CA) July 2018 - July 2019

Mechanical Design Engineer

· Designed Caban System's First Generation battery pack and energy storage system. From concept to deployment in 4 months

· Developed embedded linux telemetry unit for communicating with the energy storage system BMS and AWS for in field monitoring

Bloom Energy Engineering Internship (Bloom Energy, Sunnyvale) Summer 2016, Summer 2017

Equipment and Infrastructure Engineering Intern

· Assisted the Equipment Team with designing and maintaining automation equipment for building fuel cells.

· Designed various modifications for existing automation equipment.

· Provided support to various teams by running temperature profiling experiments.

· Design, built, and debugged a safety fixture so operators could safely change parts.

Engineering Student Startup Center (University of California, Davis) October 2013 - March 2015

Student Manager

· Created training material for the center's equipment (CubeX 3D Printer, ShopBot Desktop CNC, Next Engine 3D Scanner).

· Taught various workshops on 3D printing, CNC Milling, and CAD.

· Assisted students with the manufacturing of prototypes.

· Managed and maintained all of the center's prototyping equipment.

SME UC Davis Chapter (University of California, Davis) December 2014 - June 2015

Additive Manufacturing Technical Team Lead

· Led a research team in the research and development phase of designing a sucrose 3D printer.

· Educated UC Davis SME members about different Additive Manufacturing Processes and their capabilities.

· Gave lectures on Additive Manufacturing.

Marcel S. Garrigues Company (R. Markey & Sons, San Francisco) August 2014 - September 2014

Lead Developer

· Designed and implemented a web application to increase company productivity.

· Used Django to implement the backend server.

· Created both the frontend and backend of the application using various API's.

CITY Guide Internship (Children's Creativity Museum, San Francisco) May 2011 - September 2013

Team Leader, Exhibit Developer

· Developed and installed a permanent interactive stop-motion exhibit using Arduino and Processing.

· Implemented and refined programs to encourage creativity in children ages 3 - 12.

· Led a mixed team of adults and teen staff to achieve a high rated customer service score.

Adobe Youth Voices Program (Adobe Foundation, San Jose) August 2011 - Present

Creative Insider Intern, AYV Competition Judge, AYV Scholarship Recipient

· Helped manage the social media network of the Adobe Youth Voices program.

· Worked with Adobe professionals and professional social media journalist to document the Adobe Youth Voices Summit.

· Learned to create media for social good using Adobe products.

Boy Scout (Boy Scouts of America, USA) August 2009 - May 2013

Eagle Scout

· Earned the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America

· Led a troop of 30 scouts in various tasks and trainings.

· Planned and implemented an Eagle Scout project to build a trail in Golden Gate Park.



Yes, this very website was created by me. No, it's not running Wordpress. This project is easily one of my favorite projects because it allows me to encompass a lot of what I've learned about computer science and the web to showcase what I do. It is a platform for experimention and is as dynamic as I am. Check back in a year this page may be completely different. This site uses Django, Jquery, Bootstrap, and code written by me.


SnapIt 2.0

Towards the end of my run at the Children's Creativity Museum (CCM) I became the developer of a permanent exhibit called SnapIt. Well actually SnapIt 2.0 since original SnapIt (Original name unknown) was an original exhibit at the CCM when it first opened in 1998 as the Zeum. I remembered using the exhibit as a kid and it was an honor to give new life to the dyeing exhibit.



This research project was started by the folks at the SME UC Davis Chapter. The goal of the project was to give SME members the opportunity to learn more about Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) in a hands-on project. The hope was to research, design and build a 3D printer that could print with Sucrose (sugar) hence the cheesy name. We did a lot of research about the different processes of Additive Mfg and began to design.

See more projects!


Want to get in contact with me? I'm always interested in new opportunities and would love to connect with you! Fill out this form below and I will be sure to get back to you. Talk to you soon! - Kendall Lui